My Latest Obsession! Review Of Fantasia Hair Polisher Serum

I have been using this hair product since I bought it in London in April and damn I’m happy for I purchased it. I should have bought several, so I didn’t have to be so careful about using it. Actually, I should have left my clothes and filed my suitcase with 3o products and some durags as well. I’m even thinking about hiding it, so I’m sure that my mom won’t use it for the wrong reasons lol. Just kidding. Before I purchased it, I never really used to straighten my hair with a straightener, because it often used to break my ends, make my hair frizzy and dry the hair completely out. But this product really helped the situation, my hair has never felt so soft and when I straighten the hair after applying the product, my hair comes out really beautifully straight. It even has a shine to it. It is only now that Naomi (my extensions) dazzles very well into my hair. Yep I call my hair Naomi. Wigs got names, so I thought it would only be right if I named my extension. Ratchet? YES haha. I could really recommend this product for people that has treated and permed hair, because the product makes the hair oily and it only looks good on permed hair.


Au Revoir, peepz!

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